Amphibious Architecture

A couple years back, we posted on a collaborative project between The Living, Chris Woebken, and Natalie Jeremijenko's Environmental Health Clinic. The now completed Amphibious Architecture project seeks to captivate participants by immersing them into the ebbs and flows of aquatic ecosystems...

xSpecies Adventure Club

Eyebeam hosts the Cross Species (xSpecies) Adventure Club, a supper club for humans and non-humans to explore a tasty bio-diverse future. Each event is an experience of the depth and complexity of our interconnections with nonhumans...

Natalie Jeremijenko and Nigel Snoad

Up-coming guest lecture by Natalie Jeremijenko, one of our favorite ecological engineers, along with Nigel Snoad of Microsoft on April 6th at Parson's Lang Center, in New York City.

Tree Logic

This may not be exactly this-just-in news but we’ve recently discovered that one of our favorite Animal Artists…