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Other Coworkers: Animals in the Workplace

History would suggest that a coworking relationship between humans and nonhumans is rarely equal and is typically characterized by subjugation, sadness, and a controlled population expansion of “useful” species. GBHB demonstrates that another more equitable, more beneficial, more respectful cross-species coworking environment is possible.
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Architecture for Animals

Architecture for Animals is a short and contemporary snap-shot of mostly European animal shelters. Barns, sheds, coops, ranch-houses and stables, even a fishery, are assembled and exhibited for their architectural distinction and unique programmatic and design challenges (i.e. designing for an non-human subject).
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How to Design with the Animal

Announcing: "How to Design with the Animal" - the first major edition/collection of seminal texts relating to Animal Architecture is now for sale on The collected writings and projects included in HDA provide the conceptual foundation for understanding Animal Architecture project, that is to say the radically inclusive ecologically responsible design-ethos for the built world.
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Bracket 2. Goes Soft

Bracket 2 examines physical and virtual soft systems, as they pertain to infrastructure, ecologies, landscapes, environments, and networks. In an era of declared crises—economic, ecological and climatic, amongst others—the notion of soft systems has gained increasing traction as a counterpoint to permanent, static and hard systems.
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Urban Aeries / PURCH;

URBAN AERIES / PURCH (Positioned Urban Roosts for Civic Habitation) – is a combined exercise in engaging other alternate-architects (specifically birds here) in the production of co-species habitations.
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On Farming

This March Bracket Magazine (Brkt) will launch their first inaugural publication titled "On Farming." The Magazine will be launched on line and in print format. The exact details of the publication are not currently available but there is a pretty cool list of contributing authors and essays. It, honestly, looks super cool.