We’ve posted a few times previously on Temple Grandin, and we’re very glad to see that she seems to be garnering more and more attention. Temple is one of the leading minds in the narrow field of animal-centric design and she has cornered a significant section of the market for the design and planning of livestock and husbandry facilities. She recently spoke on them, her life with autism, and the mind of animals during a compelling TED talk which we highly recommend.
During the talk she discusses the strengths of “thinking in pictures” and accomplishing concrete goals. All while stressing the importance of paying attention to details.
It’s one of the best TED talks we’ve seen and from one of our favorite minds.
N.B. Temple has also been the subject of much attention due to the recent HBO dramatic portrayal of her life “Temple Grandin” (Temple is played by Claire Danes). The movie is reveiwed nicely by the New York Times here.